
Friday, September 17, 2021

Dr. Akili Muhammad / Tawana Muhammad

Read and please share!!

The. Hon. Min. Louis Farrakhan told Bro. Abdul Haleem to take care of his health as his work is about to explode. In the monumental speech entitled The Criterion delivered on July 4th 2020 The Minister told our government THEY (the Government) won’t solve this as this is a pestilence from Heaven.

Go back and listen to this message. Gird up your Loins.

1. Take your IB100 supplement. Yes we pay for ours. Yes one bottle is $185 with shipping but it has worked. Take it daily as recommended. It is best not to skip days so keep a good regiment. You can complete a survey to determine if your are eligible to take this or if another might benefit your system at

2. Get your N95mask and wear it properly. Make sure others around you are also wearing it properly.

3. Stock up. Eat lots of organic fruits and vegetables. Eat organic Navy bean soup, pumpkins seeds, a little spinach, steal cut oatmeal.

Yes, I took time to write this in the morning because you all are important to me. So while we are taught to have faith we are also taught to tie our camel. Which simply means you can have faith in God but do what you need to do to to not endanger yourself. Faith without works is dead.

Love you all!!

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